In the realm of sustainable practices, technology is helping lead the way.

Among numerous remarkable initiatives, Alipay created  a prime example of how technology can be harnessed to mobilize millions and foster a sustainable future.

Ant Forest was launched in 2016 as a feature within Alipay, China’s popular mobile payment platform. Ant Forest encourages users to adopt low-carbon activities in their daily lives, fostering a culture of sustainability. By rewarding users with “green energy” points for eco-friendly actions such as walking, using public transport, reducing waste, and saving energy, Ant Forest empowers individuals to make a tangible difference.


From its humble beginnings, this initiative swiftly evolved into a monumental force, engaging millions of users in sustainable practices and contributing to the fight against climate change. With over 500 million Alipay users participating in the initiative as of September 2021, more than 230 million real trees have been planted collectively. This staggering achievement has resulted in the absorption of over 12 million tons of carbon dioxide, firmly establishing China as a leader in carbon sequestration efforts.

Read more about this successful program on the United Nations Climate Change website.

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