Navigating the “Now” Normal Part II | Considerations for Assignments
In our first installment, we defined the Now Normal as the “interim place between the chaos of crisis and the return to normal”. We anticipate living in this space for at least until the end of 2021 when we hope a vaccine becomes widely available. The introduction to this topic focused on defining this new […]
Navigating the “Now” Normal | Considerations for Restarting Global Mobility
From our first Covid-19 alert in January through March’s pandemic proclamation and up until recently, the world and the mobility industry has been in crisis mode. In what seemed like an overnight timeframe, everything changed. Borders were closed, often without much notice, and employees were left stranded in locations worldwide. Those on assignment could not […]
New Programs | Supplemental Covid-19 Support
We await the return of our pre-pandemic world, the one with accessible flights, open borders and easy arrivals. In the interim, we have created some helpful services that adjust existing benefits packages to meet today’s challenges. These services were developed and perfected over the past few months as Asia began to emerge from the lock […]