September 11, Covid-19 Update from Asia
Welcome to Version III of the Weekly Covid Report The dust of the crisis has settled across most of Asia. Of our 17 country destinations, face-to-face service delivery has resumed in all but three. Nationwide lockdowns have transitioned to localized actions, and where successful containment of the virus has occurred, borders are cautiously opening. Our […]
Challenges to the Coming “Surge” | A DSP Perspective
The changes that the global pandemic has brought to the world are still being defined. The one constant is the need to reexamine every process in light of a barrage of new and changing information. There will be added variables along the process map of all services. These potential fail points and possible bottlenecks make […]
March 19, Covid-19 Update from Asia
The news is both good and bad across our 17 countries. For good news, China has not seen new domestic cases of infection for a couple days now. Hokkaido Prefecture which once had the highest rate of infections in Japan, is now set to end its state of emergency and move to new, less-restrictive precautionary […]