What Will the Future Look Like?
As we move past the initial challenges presented by Covid-19, we will start the return to normal. What that process will be and what that normal will look like is anybody’s guess. As of April 2020, here’s ours. In many ways, we hope to be wrong about many of our current expectations. We all […]
The number of new Covid-19 cases showed some promising downturns, although overall numbers remain high. The extensive social distancing measures appear to at least be having the desired impact and we hold out hope for continued progress in all areas around the world. In Asia, the recent spike that has prompted many of our 17 […]
April 10 Covid-19 Asia Update
As we head into what is a long weekend for many and a very special weekend for some, major changes in Asia have been on the quiet side for the past couple of days. We are still seeing locations with escalating cases take additional measures to contain the virus spread. Many of us also find […]